Speaking the Truth of Connections

Speaking the Truth of Connections by Jennifer Leigh
Author: Jennifer Leigh

Genre: YA Contemporary / Baseball / Verse

Series: Speaking the Truth #2

Publication Date: September 1, 2024

Paperback: AmazonBound to Writing Shop (signed)

Kindle ebook: Buy for Kindle 

Audiobook: COMING SOON

Goodreads: Add to Goodreads TBR


Speaking the Truth of Connections Tropes


Cody Holdermann’s senior year of high school isn’t going to plan. A baseball injury leaves him unable to play in his most important year. He has pushed away most of his friends. He doesn’t want to go public with his girlfriend. On top of everything, graduation is looming in the distance.

When everything feels like it’s set against him, Cody clings to the thought that he may play baseball again. Even if the odds are stacked against him. Will Cody learn to lean on the people that care for him most? Or will he blow up his connections to dwell on the possibilities? 

Speaking the Truth of Connections is a novel-in-verse that focuses on the delicate balance of relationships.


Back Cover:

Speaking the Truth of Connections

Senior year sucks

No baseball,

Distanced from friends,

Nothing like I pictured.

Stuck at home with my family

Not wanting them to know about

My failing physics,

My girlfriend,

My life.

I don’t care anymore

Not a clue if I’d rather

Sever or restore

The connections around me.


Perfect for ages 14-17

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Kindle eBook

Audiobook – Coming Soon

The Speaking the Truth of Connections Journey

New Release Speaking the Truth of Connections by Jennifer Leigh

New Release: Speaking the Truth of Connections

My newest book release is finally available! Speaking the Truth of Connections a YA baseball novel in verse is out in the world for you to read. The story that has such a deep emotional pull, that truly got to me during the writing process ...

Cover Reveal – Speaking the Truth of Connections by Jennifer Leigh

It's hard to believe that I'm going to be releasing book 2 of the Speaking the Truth series and my fifth book overall. Today is the cover reveal for Speaking the Truth of Connections and it's a great cover! I mean, I may be biased, ...


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