Email Marketing Tips to Promote Your Book Release

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It’s time for another guide to market your self-published book using the Book Marketing Planner. We’re tackling a big topic today. Though this is something that takes time to build. Know what I’m talking about? If you guessed creating an email marketing plan, then YOU’RE CORRECT! 

It can be intimidating seeing yet another project on your growing book marketing plate. I get it. But there is value in having an email list which I will dive into in a future post. When it comes to email marketing, you will want people on your side and these are your people. 

Following along in the Book Marketing Planner? We’re looking at pages 21 and 22. Don’t have the Planner? You can find it on Amazon or in the Bound to Writing Shop as a digital download. 

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Now, if you don’t have an email list, this is something you’re going to need to decide if you want to or not.

I Don’t Have an Email List and DON’T Want One – What Should I Do?

If you don’t want the hassle of creating and maintaining a list, then you can skip this part. I do suggest researching the benefits of email lists before making this decision.

Here are some resources:

Why Every Writer Needs an Email List

5 Reasons Every Author Needs and Email List

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I Don’t Have an Email List and WANT One – What Should I Do?

There are many resources that are beneficial in helping you create an email list. I personally use MailChimp and have used it for over 5 years now. Once you set up your email list, come on back to read the rest of this post. 

Here are some resources:

Here’s Why You Should Build an Author Email List

How to Build an Author Email List in 6 Simple Steps

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I Have an Email List – What Should I Do?

Establishing an email list is important when it comes to marketing your book. These people have asked to be notified about your work. That means they want to hear from you. By already having a list, you have people that may be willing to help out when the time comes to release your work. 

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Determine Your Topics

What do you want to email your subscribers? Do you want them to know things before other social media outlets? Here, you’ll want to list out everything you want to tell your email subscribers. You’ll also want to determine whether you tell them before releasing it to everyone.


I recently announced the title of my upcoming book, Speaking the Truth of Christmas. I sent my subscribers an email the day before announcing the title to the world. I also plan on doing something similar for the cover reveal. 

Your topics can be whatever feels right to you. Personally, I send a monthly newsletter out about my progress. I will also reveal covers, titles, and release dates to my subscribers before announcing them anywhere else. But you want to evaluate what works best for you and the value you want to provide your email subscribers. 

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Determine Your Offers

Decide if there are any special offers you want your subscribers to have access to when they subscribe. Is it an email exclusive eBook? Or maybe even a discount for your shop? Take this time to figure out what kind of treats you want to provide to the people that subscribe to your newsletter.

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Determine Your Timeline

Remember those topics and offers we just discussed? Well now is a good time to get to planning! You will want to put into place a timeline that fits these topics in. From 6 months out, all the way to release week, determine what you want to be telling your subscribers and when.

It’s important to make your subscribers feel like they’re in the loop. They didn’t follow you for no reason. Make sure that you’re releasing information how you want to, on a timeline that aligns with your publishing track.

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I know this is a lot of information all at once. It is my hope that you find a method of email marketing that works for you and your subscribers. Keep on marketing!


Let's Chat in the comments

What are your thoughts on email marketing? Let’s chat in the comments below.


This page may contain affiliate links. Click to read full disclaimer. I only promote products I support.

Jenn at Bound to Writing

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