Now that you have a book that’s ready to publish, you’re probably thinking “Now what?!” Well in these book marketing resources, I will tell you my tips and tricks to marketing your book.
There is a lot of information on the internet and this little page of mine is all the materials that I have found useful in my book marketing journey. Topics include: overall marketing techniques, tips for getting book reviews, and ways to run giveaways.
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Indie authors spend a great deal of time scouring the internet for book bloggers that read and review indie works. Finding list after list of book reviewers. Then searching blogs for their review policies. Only to find out that the bloggers don’t review indie books ...

Welcome back to Bound to Writing where I, an indie author, help you to meet your writing and publishing goals. This week’s post is a bit spur of the moment. But I’m sure you all know exactly what I’m going to be discussing. If you ...
It’s release day for the Book Marketing Planner! This planner encapsulates everything you need to get started on your book marketing journey before your book is even finished. It contains all of the information I wish I had (and searched for) during my previous 3 ...
We are seven days away from the release of the Book Marketing Planner! As discussed in the announcement post, this planner is an upgraded version from the one I’ve had in my Etsy shop for the past several months. Why the overhaul? After I published ...
All of my writing friends that are actively marketing your book, I have an announcement for you! Next month I’m releasing the Book Marketing Planner! If you’ve been reading my monthly posts over the past several months you know I’ve created a book marketing plan ...
Hi writers! Today I have an amazing and informative guest post for you by Rose Atkinson-Carter. Rose will be sharing with you some amazing tips for marketing your young adult book and when to start marketing. Let me tell you, this post is full of ...
There is a lot of talk within the bookish community on particular reading preference. The format options of a book are something that can make or break the sale of your book. But do you know why? Are you interested in learning the different formats ...
Over the years, I have come across many people that have a clear disregard for book reviewers. Whether it be being disrespectful or impersonal, there are people that don’t understand that reviewers are people too. Which is why I’m discussing the book review tips on ...
You’ve written your book, started marketing, and now you want to run book giveaways to increase your readership? If that sounds like you then continue reading! As I discussed in my 10 Marketing Techniques for Indie Authors, giveaways are a good way to increase interest ...
Here on Bound to Writing, I love indie authors! I'm an indie author myself and I have such admiration for what we all can accomplish. It is a lonely world. But together, we are stronger. Though when it comes to book marketing techniques, we can ...
As an indie author, you have a vision for you book cover. The way that the cover design fits your book perfectly. The images you want to use. You can see it already sitting amongst all the other pretty books on your shelf. But what ...
I could talk on and on about needing to write your book and blah blah blah, but we already know the basics. You can’t start a self-publishing journey without a book. It just won’t work out. Which would indeed make these self-publishing tips worthless. Now, ...
Let’s set the scene. You’ve worked for days/months/years on your book. Paid for an editor and a cover designer. You’ve even created a marketing plan. Yet you’re still struggling for book reviews. It’s one thing to get people to buy your book, but to get ...

Book Marketing Plan
We’ve discussed so much when it comes to preparing your book for publication. Now to look at the dreaded advertising. Yes, I know some people enjoy it. However, most authors I talk to dread marketing their books. On top of everything we have to do, ...
Welcome back to another installment of the Book Marketing Planner guide. Here is where I walk you through my comprehensive pre-publication marketing workbook titled, the Book Marketing Planner. Today's topic is about running a promotional giveaway. Before you publish your book, this workbook will guide ...
Your book has been published! Congratulations! You’ve made it to the point where you’ve released your book out into the world for others to enjoy. We’ve tackled so much of our book marketing plan already and there is still more to cover. You’re ready for ...
Time to tackle yet another important aspect when it comes to book marketing - social media marketing. I know you’ve all heard of it. Many probably already dread it. But social media plays a major part in so many of our lives, that we have ...
It’s time for another guide to market your self-published book using the Book Marketing Planner. We’re tackling a big topic today. Though this is something that takes time to build. Know what I’m talking about? If you guessed creating an email marketing plan, then YOU’RE ...
Welcome back to the Bound to Writing Book Marketing Planner Series Episode Print Costs. That’s a mouthful! But that is what I’m here to talk to you all about today. Because after you do you book research, it’s time to figure out costs. In a ...
Target Audience
Are you ready to get your book out there? Do you know what reading formats you're going to publish? Do those formats meet your target audience's preferences? These are all important questions when it comes to the next step of marketing towards your target audience ...
You've written your dream book. You've spent many hours/days/months editing and rewriting your book. Now it's time to get your book out into the world. For that you will need to find your ideal reader. That is where I come in to help! As a ...
When you are ready to publish your book you will need to consider who will be interested in reading your book. By taking the time to identify your audience, you will be able to market with a purpose. But how do you identify your target ...
You've set out to write you novel. Your ideas are running wild and you just put pen to paper. The feeling is exhilarating as the pages fill with words. Fast forward and you've completed your project. You're ready to start marketing but WAIT you don't ...

You’re ready to run a giveaway but have no idea where to begin. You do a simple Google search and so many sites appear. All look good, but you have no idea what to look for. Well, I have some good news. I have done ...
All of my writing friends that are actively marketing your book, I have an announcement for you! Next month I’m releasing the Book Marketing Planner! If you’ve been reading my monthly posts over the past several months you know I’ve created a book marketing plan ...
Social Media Schedulers are a lifesaver that grace all of us bloggers, marketers, and writers. Take one day a week, and you have a full list of content that is ready to go. Doesn’t that sound amazing?! Well, the thing with social media schedulers is ...
Today, I’m starting a completely new segment on Bound to Writing. I’ve been helping writers with my Writing Resources and Tools page and readers with my Readers Resources. But what about my writers that are ready to promote their books? Well, I’m starting a Book ...

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You can also contact me at boundtowriting@gmail.com to request a post about a resource you don’t see on here.
If you have an expertise you’d like to share with my readers, I’d love for you to reach out and guest post on Bound to Writing. I’ll gladly take all requests into consideration and get back to you as soon as possible.
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