I found this cool tag over at Lacy’s blog A Ravenclaw Library. Click on the link to check out her post! Her WIP sounds really cool! Although I wasn’t tagged, I really wanted to do this one and it sounds like it’s going to be a lot of fun!
I’m going to do this based on my upcoming release Not Like Everyone Else because it’s the freshest in my head and because my rewrite of The Stranger I Knew is a big mess of confusion right now.
The Rising Author Tag!
Where do you get your inspiration?
All over the place. Mainly my ideas come to me in dreams, but a few have come from driving or being out in public.
Care to share a little bit?
Well, OF COURSE! 😃
What is the hardest part about writing?
Focusing. I am so easily distracted that it can take me hours to write 10 words. It’s not always that bad, but it takes me a very long time to get things done. That’s why I do a majority of my writing during NaNoWriMo because I have to focus to get to 50,000 words. I rarely write much during the year otherwise.
What is the easiest?
The idea. I come up with ideas all the time, most wouldn’t work for a full-length story though.
Do you plan out everything you write, just write, or a mix of the two?
At the beginning, no. I’m not a planner in any way. It’s not until the characters take form and the story takes shape that I’m able to plan out the story. Even though the characters don’t like taking my advice very seriously and I end up changing a lot of my plan anyway.
Was writing something you always wanted to do or did it come later?
I’ve always wanted to write. My first “book” was written in Notepad and I even illustrated it with a pencil and magazine clipping. If you’re wondering, I still have it…

Do you put yourself into your writing? Like do you give your characters traits of your personality?
Almost all of my characters have some trait of me in them, but they take a lot of traits that aren’t mine either.
What was your hardest scene to write?
I struggled a lot with the museum scene. There is a lot that goes on in that scene that I had a hard time relaying all the necessary information. I’m pretty sure that scene had the most amount of edits out of them all.
What was your easiest?
The killer viewpoints. I think I scared myself with how easy it was to write in the killer’s viewpoint because those scenes get very dark.
Tell me anything else you want about your WiP and I’m sorry for these horrible questions.
These have been fun questions!
Not Like Everyone Else is a strange mix of mystery and contemporary. Although it’s definitely more on the mystery side. There are friendships and relationships that I loved writing about. I had a thing with H names. It releases June 15th so you should go check it out! (Shameless self-promo!)
My Questions
Do you write the title before, during, or after the writing process?
What is your favorite genre to write?
Is there a genre you want to try to write?
Where is your favorite write spot?
Do you handwrite or type your first draft, and why?
Can you tell us about your current WIP?
What makes you most excited about your current WIP?
What do you hate (feel unsatisfied) about your current WIP?
Where’s your favorite place to do research for your WIP?
Share a snippet (short or long) of your WIP!
I Tag
You don’t have to do this tag, but if you do, I look forward to reading your answers! Just link back to this post so I can see it! This has been a lot of fun! I hope you enjoyed reading my answers to this tag!
What is your favorite type of scene to write? Do you have a great WIP? Or maybe a not so great WIP? Talk to me in the comment below?
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Great answers and interesting tag.
Thanks! 🙂
Great idea for a tag, allows us readers to get to know the authors behind the characters.
Nikki recently posted…Saturday Spotlight: The Little Book of Feminist Saints by Julia Pierpont
It’s such a lovely idea for a tag! It’s so much fun talking about the behind the book stuff! 😊
So cute! And I agree, the idea’s the easy part. I hate when I get a good story idea(I’m not even a writer) but it’s not suitable for a whole novel😓
Arden Belrose recently posted…Books I’m Reading in June
I have a lot of those! I used to write ever one down but I stopped. I have hundreds of story ideas that are not good enough to be made into a whole book.
This was an interesting tag. It was cool to know more about your writing process.
Thanks! I had a lot of fun answering the questions! 🙂
OMG – your first book looks adorable!
Thanks 😅 I’ve always had the author spirit inside me!
What a cool tag! And I love your first attempt at self-publishing!
Julianna d’Merricksson recently posted…Man You Want Next Door
Thanks! It was my proudest moment! 😂😉
Oh my. My questions were awful. lol.
Good answers! <3
They weren’t awful! I had a lot of fun answering them! 😀