You’ve joined the writing community because you’re writing, have written, or want to write. Well, let me welcome you! We have a great community here! Now, you’ve been seeing posts and interacting with people that are using writing acronyms you’ve never seen before.
It can be overwhelming joining a community and not understanding the jargon being used. No worries because today, I will be explaining the most common writing acronyms that are used within the writing community.
Ready to learn some terminology in the writing community?
Writing Acronyms
When you’re working on a writing project, it is your work-in-progress. It explains that you’re in the middle of some part of the writing process with this project.
This one’s self-explanatory but I figured I’d include it anyway. Point-of-view is the direction your story is taking either first, second, or third-person.
When you’re finished writing and editing your book, you will have a manuscript. This is mainly seen when attempting to go the traditional route and are ready to query to agents.
Having someone to keep you on track and motivate you is a critique partner. They are someone that also write (usually within the same genre) and can help you through plot holes and other writing issues.
If you’re at the stage of editing where you need other eyes on your work for reader feedback than you’re looking for beta readers. These readers help you understand any issues that a reader would have reading your book.
Once you’re book is complete, you may want to send out advanced readers copies to interested readers. This will allow people to read reviews of your book on release day and potentially buy your book.
This refers to someone that is a person/people of color.
This refers to the young adult genre.
This refers to the middle grade genre.
The characters at the end of your story live happily ever after.
NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNoWriMo
There are writing events throughout the year under National Novel Writing Month (every November) and Camp National Novel Writing Month (usually April and July). These events motivate writers to conquer writing a massive writing goal (usually 50k words). I explain more about NaNoWriMo on my NaNo Months Page.
Fun Writing Acronyms
Refers to I will die before this draft is done. Let’s face it we all feel this at one point during the writing process
Refers to this book will kill me. In an alternate reality and the characters come to life and kill you instead.
Stress More, Procrastinate More anyone? Because starting to write is stressful and it’s easier to procrastinate than get started.
It’s a problem when you want to procrastinate forever am I right? But sometimes it feels like it’s the only option.
I hope you’re now well-prepared to tackle the writing community. If you have any questions about acronyms comment below or email me at so I can help you!
Did I miss any of your favorite writing acronyms? Did you learn something new? Let me know in the comments below!
Why Only Write One Genre of Book?
Reading Acronyms – Coming Soon!
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