Having difficulty finding your writing creativity? I totally understand that block. Why not try out one of these writing prompts below?
Every time you reload the page a new option will appear below each category. Even the most ridiculous of options can spark that inner creativity that you’ve been struggling to find! Don’t believe me? Scroll to the bottom of the page and read some of my writing prompt responses.
Happy Writing!
Write a …
Historical story
set in/at a/an…
Swimming Pool
with a ______ character
in ______ style.
Play / Movie Script
You can create a story with just the first two options, but if you’re feeling adventurous try adding the character trait and/or using a different style. Remember these are supposed to help spark creativity so do what feels best for you.
Have any other category ideas? Email me at boundtowriting@gmail.com! I’d love to provide you with other prompt options.
You’re Prompt Responses:
Wrote one of the prompts? Send them in to boundtowriting@gmail.com to have them featured on this page!
Coming Soon!
My Writing Prompt Responses:
Don’t think I haven’t tried out some of the prompts myself. Below are some of my responses.
All of my responses are below 500 words and are unedited because these are supposed to be fun bursts of writing. Though if you find a character or prompt you love, feel free to take on the full story! There are several I’ve written that I’d love to expand on once I complete some other projects.

Little Miss Perfect – A Contemporary Writing Prompt

A Kiss Under the Waterfall – A Romance Writing Prompt

A Mysterious Escape Room – Mystery Writing Prompt

A Spunky Arcader – Dystopian Writing Prompt

Persistent Schoolboy in the Woods – Historical Writing Prompt

Reckless Centaur at a Rest Stop – Mythology Writing Prompt